Friday 22 April 2011

Loud motorbikes

I watched a young boy on a beautiful sunny day, when the birds should have been cheeping and life should have been full of joy, bombing around a field on his motorbike (I'm afraid I'm not enough of an officianado on bikes to identify it). Clearly, he was having the time of his life. He did the same circuit, over and over and over, which involved revving up the hill at top speed, thundering down it, hitting a jump, turning a sharp corner, and starting all over again. I wondered if a hamster going round its wheel gets the same pleasure.

The only problem with this scenario was the noise produced by said bike. It sounded like the largest swarm of bees, with their volume turned to top speed and then further - a real 'scratch your fingernails down the board' sound, that gets into your gut and wrenches it. So, such placid activities as a spot of gardening, a pleasant Pimms on the lawn or a group get together round the barbie, become impossible, all for this one lad's gratification.

Without wishing to sound like a foul middle aged kill joy, it does seem unfair that one person's pleasure can destroy the pleasure of everyone else living in the village!

The solution? I dont know really, we could moan to him, or wear ear plugs, or suggest he go to the local motocross field, which is isolated from humanity, or saboutage his bike. I've considered all of the above. Or, even worse, snitch on him to the local council, citing 'noise pollution' or some such other health and safety issue. But I hate people that do that!

There's always a positive to every negative. It has given me fuel for my moaning, which has gone a bit quiet of late.


walking the yarn said...

How very, very, very annoying! I live in silence (through choice)and just hate noise - particularly the sort that goes on and on and on and on...

JW Blooms said...

Good to see you sounding off again! You should have asked him if you could have a go... Not to side with him or anything, but it sounds like he was really having fun. The guys in the field next to me always choose the sunniest days to shoot rabbits. I don't think there's anything you can do other than turn your iPod up. Jan x

sandra stopford (nee Hartley) said...

Yes, I'm finding a few moaning opportunities, having been silent for a long time. NOt that I've stopped moaning, just not writing about it. Am now onto my 'A day in the life of....' pub diary. It's also a kind of moan, just a much longer one.