Thursday 8 January 2009

A New Year

New year didn't seem complete this year, we didn't sing 'Auld Langs Ine', or whatever it's called and however you spell it, but you know what I mean. We stood outside watching an immensely expensive fireworks display (or at least that's what Richard, the pub landlord where we were, told us) which lasted all of 2 minutes, and I couldn'thelp thinking our wages for the next two months were now floating around in the sky. As I swigged on my third large glass of wine (which cost me over two hours work) I made my usual resolutions, which are beginning to sound a bit like a stuck record: 'get fit and drink less' (for my body) and 'be less judgemental' (for my spirit).

The former hasn't actually kicked in yet, but it's still only just the new year, so I'm not beating myself up about it (no point in being unrealistic or setting myself impossible goals), and the latter went out the window yesterday when I started an evening class again and immediately decided I hated this woman who I barely know (replacing my last target of hate, whom I also barely knew) because she never shuts up when our teacher is trying to teach us. I happen to know that she's a teacher and therefore should know better. Mind you, teachers are notoriously rowdy in these situations. I tried to counterbalance my lapse by telling myself to be tolerant, she's probably a really nice person and the fact she has to show off is just because she is insecure and I ought to pity her rather than finding myself wanting to hit her, but this all rang rather hollow as I continued to hate her.

Now, next year I am going to think of something I really can achieve. Perhaps it will be:
drink excessively, refrain from any physical exercise and make an instant judgement about someone (preferably negative) and stick by it. Then I can end up feeling really good about myself for having 'stickability'.

Happy New Year everybody.

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